
The Coastal Post: Studio Visit with Mónica Palma: IN BETWEEN

Studio Visit with Mónica Palma: IN BETWEEN

Mónica Palma’s work is holistically existential.  Her practice includes equal parts performance, and the making of largely-sculptural paper works. Originally from Mexico, Palma has been living in NYC for just over a decade. She often incorporates ideas and materials taken directly from her hometown of Mexico City, always elemental and from the earth. In addition to working with tar, burnt tortilla, obsidian and other materials, there is a strong use of her own body and the location of her body that shapes the work. Through her physical involvement, including spitting, biting, tearing, folding and cutting, there always seems to be present a desire to embed the work with her body and her body with the work.  

Palma’s work is a kind of bridge.  She, and her work, exist between two cultures, between choice and chance, between the physical and the ephemeral. We sat down recently to discuss this middle-place where she roams and how her practice shapes what she makes.

For the full interview click here.

Jenn Dierdorf